Good Morning, Sunday

The last week started off well, after smashing out fifty plus pages of edits last Sunday I managed to get another forty plus done on Monday and Tuesday nights. Then overnight on Tuesday/Wednesday I had an epically bad nights sleep and that knocked me off my pace for the rest of the week. I have written some words on a new short story, but I haven’t really gotten any traction on it yet. I’m not really sure which direction I want the story to take as there is a lot I’d like to say with this particular character. But I also don’t want to overload it with information at the cost of story and character development. I’ve got no written outline or anything for this story. As it’s a short one I’m just going to feel my way through it and see what I get at the end of it.

As for what I’m planning today; I’ve got a little tidying to do and then I’m going to get stuck into these edits again. I’m going for simple plans and not setting myself targets at the moment as when I’ve set daily targets in the past I’ve more often than not, not met them.

Right, I’m off to make a start. Have a good day all.

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