12th of March 2020

Good evening, folks! I’m just pulling in with a quick little post. I’m nearing the end of the story I’ve been working on this year. It’s about 26k at the moment and I think I’ve got a couple more thousand words to go but as always, I don’t know. I’m hoping the ending is going to be pretty epic, I know roughly what I want to write but again, as always, I don’t know. The story could go off in its own direction once I get stuck in.

I’m thinking about the next project. I’ve got two older ones that I really want to whip into shape this year. At the moment I don’t have much time to write, but hopefully that’s going to change at some point. I really hope I’ve got a good idea how how to approach these two pieces now. Something I tend to be lazy about doing is reading what I’ve already written and making notes and so on. I’m going to do this when I get stuck into the two projects, and hopefully do it right.

There was another submission call I sat for a smaller published that I’d love to work for but I think I might be pushing my luck to get a story for the anthology done in time. I need to look up the deadline for submissions on that one.

Okay, so this wasn’t as quick a post as I was expecting (it his happens more than I’d like to admit!). Life is busy and I’ve got a lot going on, but I’m still knocking out a few words and have plenty on my mind when it comes to writing.

Some notebook porn for all who stop by.

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