Good Morning May 7th 2020

Good morning! It sounds like the birds are singing happily outside today, I’ve ventured out yet but have work later on.

There’s not much for me to report writing wise. Few words have been written, but a short story has been submitted, had notes back and then sent back to the publisher. This is for an anthology I was invited to submit to.

I can’t remember if I mentioned but I did have a rejection a few weeks ago. It was disappointing but the story is one I love and takes place in my Penal Earth universe so I can always put it in a collection of stories from that setting.

A pretty cloud formation

Living in this locked down world is both strange and interesting. I changed jobs at the start of April (was in the process of before the lockdown was even spoken of) and am now working in a supermarket. So I’ve been going to work as normal, to a degree. But it’s both interesting and frustrating seeing how some people adhere to guild lines on social distancing and how others blatantly disregard those rules. We haven’t got a full lockdown here in the Uk, and I think more people should appreciate that.

That’s all for this morning. I had more I wanted to write but my brain’s decided to misfile they rest of it!

Stay safe everyone, if we keep our heads we can start getting back to a life without restrictions sooner. I’m not going to say back to normal because I’m honestly not sure that’ll happen. Not for some time anyhow.

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