Movie Monday: My Five Favourite Movies From 2013

2013 was a big year in my movie loving life. I finally started going to the cinema on a regular basis with a couple of friends or my girlfriend Tracie and I saw a lot of movies at the cinema. I did miss a couple though. The Worlds End, The Wolverine, Carrie, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Heat, Rush and Prisoners are just a few of the movies that I have missed during the year.

Picking out a Top Five is more then a little difficult as there were so many great movies out the last year. Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, Fast & Furious 6, The Conjuring, Frozen, The Man Of Steel, Gravity, Captain Phillips, Thor: The Dark World, Pacific Rim, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Elysium, Despicable Me 2, World War Z, Riddick, You’re Next and Evil Dead. These are the films that I remember being impressed by during the course of the year. Now I need to choose five, which is going to be difficult.


  1. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  2. Pacific Rim
  3. Thor: The Dark World
  4. Frozen
  5. The Conjuring


These five, in this order, are the movies that have been the most memorable films of the year for me. Catching Fire at number 1 is by far and away well deserved. I really liked the first movie in this series but this raises the bar very impressively and I’m eager to see the next two movies.

Pacific Rim was always going to be in at number 2. It’s not the most in-depth movie that has been created but it has giant Kick-Ass robots beating the living snot out of giant alien monsters and the fan boy in m just loves it!

Thor: The Dark World was a movie that I think was always going to enjoy. I also liked the first Thor movie but like the Hunger Games movies this second film in the series stepped up and blew its predecessor out of the water.

What can I saw about Frozen, it’s a lot of fun. A hell of a lot of fun. It’s entertaining, humorous, and absolutely beautiful. This is Disney at its best in my opinion.

Finally, The Conjuring. I didn’t think that I was going to like this movie. I had no real desire to see this one but a friend of mine wanted to see it so I went along too, I’m glad I did. It was a movie that had great characters, actors, direction, story, everything. Well worth a watch.


So there it is, my top five movies of the year. This was not an easy list to make and I hope that this year is as challenging to pick out my top five of the year.


Honerable mentions. These films impressed me but were not quite good enough to make the top five. Gravity, Fast & Furious 6, Elysium, You’re Next,  Riddick, The Man Of Steel and Despicable Me 2.




Gearing Up For An Easy Sunday

Today should be a nice, chilled out day. Tracie and I are off out to lunch later and then into the cinema to see Frozen, we saw it last week (in 3D) but we both really liked it so we’re going again but this time we’re going to see it in 2D. I may do a little work later, I have a couple of synopsis to write and some research to do as well but I’m not overly concerned if when I get home tonight if I just put my feet up, watch a movie and faff about on social media.

Speaking of research, I actually done some last night. I am pretty sure I’ll be working on Earth, After Liberation in the new year so there is a fair bit of research I want to do to add content and fill in some holes that are in the story.

After I got home yesterday and cleaned the henhouse out, had a bath etc. I got all my Christmas presents wrapped up, I hate wrapping things up. I will no doubt tear wrapping paper, get the cello tape wrapped around a finger and generally turn the air around me blue. Why can’t things be in a square box by the way? Thankfully most of the bits I got were in boxes 😀 it’s all done now though, I’ve just got the cards to write out which I’ll do one day in the week.
I wont be in the Christmas spirit until the 24th though. I’m not a Bah Humbug person but if Christmas Eve is a work day then I’m at work but we normally only do through till midday and then when we get told to sod off and have a good Christmas then that’s when my Christmas starts 🙂

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