Friday 21st of August 2020

Good evening folks. How is everybody doing?

I have had a good day, well aside from waking to see I had to do a forth coat of paint this morning. That green really was a bastard to paint over. If I could go back and slap myself sixteen, seventeen years ago I would do. That said, I think it looks good. I ran out of the paint I was originally using, so used some my parents had left which I actually like a lot more.

It felt good though, best part of two days of moving furniture and painting. It was nice to do something practical. The news I had Monday hit me harder than I realised and having something I was able to get physically stuck into that is something I needed. I’ve been doing something that will aide my long term goals with writing. I know how lucky I am having this space and I’m going to make the most of it.

As you can see from the pictures the original colour was very patchy after two coats. I’m okay decorating, but it’s not something I’m skilled at. That said, the fourth coat went on well this morning (sorry I forgot to take pictures), and I gave it a couple of hours to dry. I literally had just enough to do that fourth coat and two in the wall cupboard.

Once the paint had dried it was time to get the furniture in place. Although an office I need to have my wardrobe and a chest of draws in there. The wardrobe was the hardest to move just because of the weight but I got it where it’s going. Then slid the desk against the chimney stack and then a plastic unit by the chest of draws.

Raven investigating.

I had shelves in one of the alcoves which I couldn’t get to go back in, so my dad is going to get some wood and make me three more shelves to replace the ones that didn’t fit back in. After probably twenty years, they’d warped and it just wasn’t going to work. Having those shelves there will be handy, so I’m glad I’ll still have some there.

The green lampshade will be going at some point.

The layout was easy, one of the things I like is a nice bit of floor space. I don’t like feeling boxed in too much and how it’s laid out now I like.

I like the basics of this set up. Desk in the middle, printer to my left. You can see the brackets for the shelves on the left hand side alcove. That will pretty much stay like that. I’ll probably get a new unit for the printer to go on one day but it’s not a priority. The shelves I’m going to use for file storage.

On the right hand side in the other alcove you can see containers of paperwork. That is mainly old drafts that I almost threw out when I moved out, I’m glad I didn’t. I’ll find storage for them now I’m back here. That’s my history as a writer. I’m not going to just toss it aside. The sad part is there’s a lot more and when I was planning to toss it, a lot got mixed up. So I’ve got a lot to sort out at some point. eventually there will be a book case in that alcove.

Some new curtains will be added as well.

I really like this layout. I’ve got plenty of room to move and pace when I’m stuck. Once I finished getting it all sorted (the wall cupboard is still a bit of a mess but that’ll have to be sorted properly later on), I had a shower and got a little bit of writing done. Only 487 words but good words.

This evening I’ve also edited 16357 words this evening after I ate. This gets my zombie novella done with this stage. Tomorrow I’ll print it out and red pen it in the next few days.

I’m thinking about what’s going to be handy to have in here, I think one of the first things will be a dry/erase board, which I think I’ll put on the wall above my desk. I don’t really need much, but there’s things I’ll add to the space over the next few years that’ll be both for decoration/inspiration but also practical things that’ll aide with the writing process. I’ve got a few items to decorate the space already, which are things I have in my room. I’ve just got to choose which ones.

So, it’s a been a very productive day. I’m looking forward to taking advantage of the space and upping my productivity. I know how lucky I am having this space, I really do. I’m not going to squander it.

How about you? Do you have a space to write in, or is it a case of writing wherever you can.

2 thoughts on “Friday 21st of August 2020

  1. Looks great, nice color! I’m gobsmacked that you edited over 16k in one day, whoa. I got a little of 1k in today.:-) I do have a writing place, but I get stiff sitting in one chair all the time, so I move about (to the kitchen table, the floor, the couch, wherever).

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