Good Morning, Tuesday 8th of December 2020

Howdy, folks! my plans for today have changed as I’ll be working this afternoon/evening now. So I’m going to try and repeat what I did yesterday and write for a couple of hours before leaving for work.

I was super happy with how Penal Earth went yesterday. I liked the direction it took and I’m eager to get cracking on it today. I can see the end in sight now and feel positive about having this draft done by the end of the month. I feel the next draft may have a lot of tweaks but hopefully they’ll just be filling out world building elements, and not maybe plot points.

One thing I have been thinking about is for book two I might use a lot of the elements from the original draft I wrote for NaNo years ago. I still like a lot of the elements that it had and think it works better as a second book as I won’t have to do as much world building this second time around.

Seeing as Alexander Bailey and Armand Rosamilia shared their dry/erase boards…. I also do not apologise fir my handwriting šŸ˜

I’m not going to just retrofit that first draft though. I’m going to start from scratch using what I remember and go from there. I think that’ll be more manageable. Not that I’m going to get to this one anytime soon. There’s at least three big projects to work on before I even think about Penal Earth 2.

I really do need to sit down and review where I am with projects and look at my goals for the next twelve months. Before we know it December will be rolling to an end and 2021 will be here.

9 thoughts on “Good Morning, Tuesday 8th of December 2020

  1. Are you left handed? Almost everyone’s handwriting is messy on a whiteboard, but your writing slants like maybe you’re left handed. Except second grade teachers, they’re whiteboard writing is super neat because they’ve had LOTS of practice.

    I did write yesterday, but it was weird. I’m doing a snowman story for this month’s writing group assignment. Snowman . . . eh, maybe I can put fangs on it or something!

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