Good, Morning Wednesday

This week I haven’t gotten as much done as I’d have liked. THis is totally my fault as Monday night I got stuck into Football Manager a bit and when I did sit down to get some work done I realised that I needed more information on one of the species that Owen has created. Thankfully though, Owen had on Monday sent me a lot of information on this species that I’ve put straight into the Universe Bible that I am creating. After looking through some of these details though I realised I need to speak to Owen before a part in this chapter is written.

So I’ve bypassed this chapter and moved onto the next one which I think is going to be a lot of fun to write. In the first few words that I wrote during my lunch break yesterday I managed to get some good background details for a couple of our characters down.

Tonight I’m going to get stuck into an ARC of a book once I’ve finished my own writing because I’d like to get it read and my review written before the release date in May.

The reason I didn’t write last night was because I went to see the movie John Wick. If you’re thinking about seeing this movie then please do, it really is a fantastic movie that is quite violent but it has a bit of  a sense of humour to it as well as heart. It also introduces us to a world that I’d like to see more of. Keanu Reeves was fantastic in it as well.

Bring It On, Monday!ย 

I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a long day, today. I’ve woken up feeling incredibly tired and I know I’ve got a busy day at work before me as well. I’m also going to be doing some editing work tonight on the chapter I copied over to Project Apollo from an earlier draft.

So a busy Monday ahead, and despite feeling tired and that minor negative feeling that the day will be a long one I’m ready to attack the day head on! Moping around feeling tired etc. is pointless and counter-productive.

Bring it on! 

Today’s Update – 19/4/2015

I had a very productive day today, I’ve added 4580 words to Project Apollo. I said added, and not written because about 1500 of those words were from an earlier draft. I have to go through some of those words that were copied over to the current draft to get it all lined up with the current draft. I don’t think it’ll take too much work, I think it’s just a case of sitting down when I’m fresh. This morning when I was looking at it I had already written 2400 words, so I think I was a little beat, having done that.

So, writing went well, but I got little else done. I spent much of the afternoon playing Football Manager 2015 instead of reading emails and writing blog posts. I know this game is a bit of a distraction but its not been as distracting as I thought it would be.

Back to writing though, I’m expecting a decent weeks work this coming week. I know I’m not on course to hit the 1st of June target, but I think I am catching up. 

Today’s A ‘Get Sh*t Done’ Day

Okay, so having had a couple of days off from the writing I really need to get some words written. Since Thursday when I was out with friends I’ve not written as much as a single word on Project Apollo. I had intentions to write Friday night, but Owen and I had arranged a FaceTime to thrash out a couple of the more minor details of the story and the universe. I know we should have gotten that sorted out sooner, but this is Owen and me.

I think the rest has helped though, I’m up about an hour and a half earlier than I normally would be on a Sunday and have sorted out the animals, had breakfast and have got a cuppa tea. So why am I writing a blog post and not getting stuck into Project Apollo? Well, I’ve found that sometimes writing a blog post is a good way to get my brain going before getting into the fiction, and I haven’t put a post up for a few days ๐Ÿ˜›

That all said, I’m going to get stuck into this story. I’d love to hear how people are getting along with their own projects, so please feel free to comment.

I do have a Facebook page and a Twitter profile, the links are on the right hand side of the screen if you’d like to support me on those platforms.

Have an awesome day everybody ๐Ÿ™‚

Good Morning, Sunday

This week hasn’t been as productive as I’d have liked. In the sense that I havent written as much as I could have done. We have been busy at the dayjob and last night I brought Football Manager 2015, which is a game that will be a massive time suck for me but its the first time I’ve brought this latest vrsion of a game I used to love playing (at least five years). I am going to limit my time on it though. Writing is obviously a prioirty and I’m not going to let it distract me too much. I know that having just brought it I’ll be wanting to play it a fair bit but that won’t last long. That novelty will wear off and I’ll be able to limit how much I am playing it.

Back to the writing though. Owen and I FaceTime’d last night and we sorted out two of the major sticking points with Project Apollo that we were having trouble with and I’m eager to start implementing those changes. Thankfully neither of them are storylines or details that have been addressed yet.

I’m now working on the handwritten draft of Chapter 6 and I’ll hopefully have it done and off to Owen by the end of the week.

Now. I’m off to do some bits of housework and then its time to write.

Getting In The Right Attitude

For the Project Apollol rewrite Owen and I have set the 1st of June as the date that we want to have the story done by. That’s fifty-six days from now, and to hit our- rough- target of 90,000 words we’ll need to average 1403 words a day. That doesnt seem like a lot but with how I’m doing this draft – handwriting it and then typing it up – means its going to be a difficult challenge to hit the target by the 1st of June. Which is why we’ve given ouselves a buffer zone of a month. Having an outside date of the 1st of July gives us another thirty days, but even then it takes the daily target down to 914 words a day. Which is still a challenge, but if I want to be even remotely serious about this then having and hitting a deadline is something that I need to be trying to achieve.

What makes me think this is achievable is the fact that I’m kind of having to write at the moment. The urge to write is incredibly strong right now. I’m really hoping this means I’ve found my groove again, and I’ve written 7500 hundred words this easter. 

I’m really going to try and step up a gear this coming week and try to be getting closer to the 1000 words a day when I’m handwriting.

There’s a long way to go but this story is gaining a little bit of pace now.

Good Morning, Mondayย 

Yesterday I had a really productive day, getting over 2800 words written. 2600 of those was in the morning and midday but I felt the urge to get witing again about 10pm so I wrote a couple more hundred then. 

It felt really good to have a 2000+ word day again, it’s been a while since I’ve been in that type of zone. I’m not expecting to get anywhere near that number today as I’m handwriting the 5th chapter of Project Apollo and for me handwriting is a much slower process than typing is.

We also passed both the 10k and 11k marks on this rewrite yesterday but we’re still in a stage of the story where we’re laying the foundtions of the story and for further stories. As I’ve said befor this book is going to be the first in what Owen and I hope will be an open ended series, so it feels like we’ve got to include certain information about the universe we’re creating. That said I am a little worried we may get too heavy with this detail and that’ll slow the story up too much, but I’m hoping we’re pick up on that during the editing stages if it does happen.

Right, that’s enough talking about it. I’m going to get some words written.

Looking Back At March

Last month was a good month. I managed to get back into my groove and I managed to write 20655 words during the month. Most of those have been on the Avoiding The Game rewrite, but I’ve put that on the back burner a little and I’ve dived into the Project Apollo rewrite. I’m hand writing the fourth chapter and am typing up the third chapter at the moment. I haven’t yet gained the momentum on it I’d like to have done, but doing the initial draft on paper is slowing me down a little. It’s worth it though I think as when I’m typing it up I’m adding and rewriting where its needed. So hopefully it’s a much tighter draft.

Owen has been happy with what I’ve gotten done so far, he obviously has notes but we’ll get those added in when we work on the second draft. We both know the story very well, and Owen is going to keep me on track to make sure I don’t wonder off track too much. There are elements that we don’t agree on, but they are not anything that can’t be fixed in the editing phase.

On a personal level I just want a draft done. The first attempt at this story was a couple of years ago and isn’t that good. We have a lot of faith in the story, but our characters need a little work and the universe desperately needed some depth added to it. Since that draft was done Owen and I have spent a lot of time on universe building and I think we’re going to be able to flesh the story out with the details that’ll help the reader sink into the setting better.

Overall I think March was a good month, I wrote a lot of words and felt good about what I wrote. Now I’m aiming at building from last month and try to pick up a decent momentum going into April. Owen and I have set a deadline to have this Project Apollo draft done which is the 1st of June.

Today’s Plan

It’s good Friday, which means I have a day off and that means I’m planning to get some writing done.

I’ve finished another handwritten chapter (3) of Project Apollo, which I’m planning on typing up and sending off to Owen before continuing on with chapter 4. Something that I’m letting myself get a little too concerned about is that my chapter lengths seem a little all over the place, but I’m trying to tell myself that it really doesn’t matter as long as it serves the story then I don’t think it should matter at all.

That all said, I’m going to wash up the breakfast things and then get writing.

Project Apollo Update

I’m just writing a quick little post before I go to work, give an update on how Project Apollo has gone this week s far.

I’m  feeling pretty good about my prodcutivity. I’m not just getting a lot of words writtten, I think I’m getting some good words written and building the story and the universe.

There’s been a couple of speedbumps so far with this rewrite but aside from one aspect most of them should be easily fixed. That one problem is something that Owen and I are still trying to figure out but I’m hoping we’ll have it sorted out sooner rather then later.

Last night I managed to get about 800 or so words done, which I’m beryl happy with because I really didn’t feel like writing last night (I wasn’t in an especially good mood). I had not desire to do anything aside from playing GTAV but I forced myself to get my arse in the chair and write. This time last week I wouldn’t have been able to do that due to the rut that I’ve been in since January.

That’s all I’ve got time for now, I am going to try and work some time into my week to get some more thought through posts written. These must be getting boring by now ๐Ÿ˜› 

Have a good day everyone.