Good Evening 5th Of January 2022

Good evening, folks! How are we all doing tonight?

I am shattered! Had my first early start this morning since New Years Eve and boy am I feeling it. Once this post is written I’ll be getting settled for the night and watch then watch a movie and let myself wind down for the night.

I have written today, I got a nice 541 on a short story that feels like it’s expanding well. I’ve got no idea where it’s going but I’m enjoying the mystery as I’m writing it.

I’ve been meaning to watch Blade Runner 2049 again, but still haven’t got around to it. I will in the next few days hopefully. It’s a film that I’m keen to revisit and see how I feel about on, I think this’ll be my third viewing. It’s one I want to sit down and focus on and let myself be absorbed into it.

Right, I’m going to wrap for the night. I’ve got a couple of little bits to do before I can properly settle down for the night. I’m aiming to be in bed and asleep by ten! Wish me luck!

Good Evening, 4th of January 2022

Good evening folks, how are we all doing?

It’s been a pretty good day, I’ve written 424 words and (finally) worked through my emails that had been building up. I’ve spent a bit of time on GTAV, particularly grinding today. That’s basically just earning money. I did spend some money modding a car and I managed to recoup that and then took my balance above where it had been when I started the session.

I’ve got an early start, so I’m going to do the dishes and then watch Ready Player One.

Have an awesome evening, folks!

Good Morning! 4th of January 2022

Howdy folks! How are we all doing today?

Yesterday I wrote about 700 words on two different stories. One of which feels like it’s come to an end while the other is just getting started.

The one that feels like it’s come to an end doesn’t feel finished. I’ve got an ending but I feel like there is more story to tell. I’ve got A few little snippets whispering to me for it so I’m just going to listen to them, let their voices come through a little clearer before I start pushing them.

I’m trying to listen to these characters before I dive in and start trying to tell their story. This isn’t like a whisp of an idea or a line of dialogue. I’ve got a nice start to this story, and I’ve told one characters story already, but there’s other stories to tell here and I need to take the time to listen to them before I start trying to tell them.

4th of December 2021

I was going to have an off day, let some more of upcoming projects process but I ended up writing about 200 words.

Typically those words flowed really well now that NaNo is over!

Right, night all!

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day Thirty

The last day of the month is being wrapped up with 414 words, and a lack of satisfaction. Next year, I won’t let this happen again.

I do have some bits and pieces to work with, but it’s not been how I’d have liked it.

Signing off on NaNoWriMo 2021 with a whimper and not an explosive end.

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day Twenty-Nine

Good evening, folks! How are we all doing this evening?

I’ve written 331 words today. Um, still feel like I’m hitting my head against a brick wall but I’m quite proud of the fact that despite how hard it has been at times to write this month, I’ve still managed to get some words out.

I think some of it is my creative well needs to be refilled. I’ve recently watched Nobody Sleeps In The Woods Tonight, and it’s sequel. The first one was very good, but I wasn’t as keen on the second one. It didn’t feel as sinister as the first one. For me it focused on explaining things a little too much, and made it not as engaging as the first one was.

Speaking of movies, I’m going to pop into Grand Theft Auto V Online for half an hour and then find something to watch.

Have a good one, folks!

NaNoWriMo 2021 day 27

Only about 200 words today.

I just feel a little brain dead when I look at the stories. Maybe doing shorts wasn’t such a good idea, maybe I needed something I can really get my teeth stuck in.

Maybe that creative fire has died down too much and it needs some fuel put on it.

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 25

Good evening, Folks. Only 569 words today. But some nice growth in the story I was working on. There’s a couple I’ve been working on that are beginning to take shape nicely.

I did find it hard to get my head into writing today. I just couldn’t really get rolling nicely. I did like what I wrote, but it too a lot of work to get to where I wanted to today.

The problem is I’m eager to get stuck into editing on preexisting projects. I think that’s where I’m needing to spend my creative energies.

Right, short and sweet tonight. I’ve got an early tomorrow so I’m going to do a little popcorn, watch a movie and then call it a night.

Rock On, folks!

Good Evening, 12th of NaNoWriMo 2021

A quick little NaNoWriMo update tonight. I’m at 17180 words at the moment, which is about 3k less than where I should be. But I’m confident of getting back on track, despite being back at work soon.

I’m adjusting my writing patterns a little to see if that helps me. The pieces I’m working on have my attention and I can feel the stories building in my head. It’s just a case of sitting my butt down and getting those words out.

Below is a video of me reading my story ‘Ghost’ from the anthology 84 Stories 84 Words please give it a look and if you like it then check out the whole book.